Our Vendors are farmers, backyard gardeners, ranchers and artisan craftsmen who grow, raise, or produce their goods within 150 miles of the market location (Winters Texas Farmers Market). Winters Texas Farmers Market is a producer-only market. Reselling and co-packing are not allowed. If you are interested in applying to become a vendor at Winters Texas Farmers’ Market, please read the following carefully before proceeding with your application:

Vendor Cost

Being a vendor at the Winters Texas Farmers Market is FREE thanks to the generosity of several sponsors. Vendors are responsible for any state license or regulatory fees associated or required for their specepic products they will be selling.

Winters Texas Farmers Market Sponsors

Market Location

The Winters Texas Farmers Market will be held at 333 S. Main St. Winters, TX 79567.

General Vendor Qualifications:

  • All products must be grown, raised, and/or made within 150 miles of our location.
  • We are not currently accepting applications from CBD oil/tobacco products,or products containing alcohol.
  • Absolutely no re-selling allowed.
  • Registration to be a vendor needs to be complete the day before at minimum.
  • Applications are approved or denied by our market managers.
  • You will receive a reply with either accepted or denied and reasons for denial if applicable.

Vendor Guidlines and Rules

  • Laws, regulations, and rules put forth by the federal, state, city, or county government must be followed by all vendors. 
  • Final arrival time= 30 min before market opening
  • Vehicles cleared from market area 15 min prior to opening.
  • Market times are from 9-1. Vendors must arrive by 8:30 to set-up and can not close down before 1:00 pm. Vendors must be set up & ready to sell no later than 15 minutes before market open. No driving within market boundaries is permitted 30 minutes before market open and until 15 minutes after the close of market. 
  • A booth space constitutes a 10’x10’ space using straight-legged canopies. Merchandise must be restricted to within the designated booth space and signage must not impede flow of shoppers between booth spaces. 
  • Vendors’ booth locations may change week-to-week and vendors are expected to exercise flexibility in the event of relocation. 
  • No pets are allowed in the Farmers Market. Official service animals that are regeistered are welcome.  
  • Vendors are solely responsible for their own setup, tables, tents, and cleanup.
  • Power will not be provided.
  • No generators allowed. If you need power you will have to provide it with a battery/solar setup.
  • Water will not be provided.
  • No music allowed
  • Smoking and vaping is not permitted in market territory. Vendors must leave market boundaries so that smoke or vape does not reach shoppers or other vendors. Cigarette butts must be properly disposed of in safe containers and removed by vendor. 
  • Intoxication from alcohol or illegal drugs will result in vendor expulsion from the Market. 
  • Only owners or their immediate family members may sell at market.
  • Vendors must transport trash and recycling off-site, no dumping or usage of market dumpsters allowed. Vendors must completely clean their booth space at the end of market. Vendors who provide samples or prepared food must provide trash receptacles at their booth. Ice and water brought to the market must be discarded off-site. “Off-site” is defined as back to its origin. Dumping of trash, ice, water, etc is not permitted and must be taken off-site, meaning back to its bases of operation. Dumping items next to market boundaries is not considered off-site.
  • If a vendor dumps unsold inventory at any market he/she will be warned once. A second violation may result in loss of market privileges. 
  • Vendors must display signage with prices and vendor information. Vendors should keep prices fair and reasonable, no dumping. Signage should clearly identify family name and/or the name of their farm/business including the city, town or county where production occurs, as well as Sales Tax Permits and Certificate of Registration for Weights and Measures where applicable. 
  • If rule violations occur you might not be allowed to return.
  • Random checks will be scheduled with vendors to ensure they are adhering to the policy of making or growing their products at home.
  • Purchasing products and reselling them at the market is not allowed. We want to maintain the credibility of vendors as local producers.
  • WTFM and/or any Winters Texas Farmers Market staff/managers are not responsible for product liability, fines, penalties or the paying of sales taxes for individual vendors. 
  • 0.0825 of the total taxable sale must be paid in Sales Tax to the City of Winters where applicable.  
  • Discrimination in any form is prohibited. Discrimination is the treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor or against, a person based on the group, class, or category to which that person belongs, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, age, disability, economic class, sex, gender expression or sexual orientation. 
  • Harassment based upon an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion or any other legally protected characteristics will not be tolerated.
  • Other standards and conduct: Vendors should be knowledgeable about their products, how they are used, grown or produced and be able to communicate these things clearly to the customers. Products should be displayed in a sanitary, presentable and attractive manner. Vendors are expected to be courteous, professional and presentable at all times. Inappropriate language or behavior, clothing, harassment or abuse toward anyone at any market will not be tolerated and may be reason for expulsion. 
  • Vendors commit to not publicly disparage Winters Texas Farmers Markets.

All Food Vendors 

  1. All food vendors must comply with Federal, State, Winters, Texas and Runnels County Health Department rules. 
  2. Follow labeling requirements from the State of Texas, which must label all products with the following information: 1. Contact information: address, phone # and/or email address 2. Contents: Name of item should include common and usual name 3. List of ingredients according to weight. 4. Eight common allergens. Cottage law vendors must indicate on product labels this statement: This product is not inspected by any state of Texas or local health department. Find detailed information here: https://www.dshs.texas.gov/foods/labeling.aspx 
  3. Health Department violations must be corrected before a vendor is allowed to set up on next market date. 

Agricultural Producers 

  1. Agricultural Vendors are subject to farm/ranch inspections by WTFM management with up to two other participating growers/producers if deemed necessary. Refusal of inspection will result in termination of selling privileges. 
  2. Vendors must display current Organic Certification when promoting products as organic. Claim of organic status may not be posted or used in promotion of the product, farm or ranch without proof thereof. Learn more here
  3. Vendors may market their products using the term ‘sustainable’ or “organic practices used” only if they are used.
  4. Producers may offer value added items made from producers’ own vegetables, meat, fruit, milk, etc. but must acquire any necessary state and local permits.  
  5. No live animals may be sold at market. 

Farmers and Backyard Gardeners

  1. Vendors must grow and maintain high quality standards throughout the season. No licenses are required by the state of Texas at this time for farmers and backyard gardeners to sell their fresh fruit and vegetables.
  2. Off-grade or seconds or storage vegetables must be labeled as such. WTFM leadership may insist on removal of poor quality items. 
  3. Nursery-Only Vendors must sell only cut flowers, potted plants, trees or nursery starts that are grown from seed, plug, cutting, bulb or bare-root by the seller. No resale of plants is allowed. Any business that grows or distributes plants with the intent to sell in temporary markets or at a temporary location needs a Nursery Floral License Class M and an Event Permit for each event. More information here: www.texasagriculture.gov/RegulatoryPrograms/PlantQuality/NurseryFloral.aspx 


  1. A producer selling any meat claiming hormone and/or antibiotic free and/or grass fed must have raised the animals from the ranch herd from birth (excepting poultry or wild, feral animals) or provide a certified letter from seller that animals have been hormone and antibiotic-free and/or grass-fed since birth and/or weaning.


  1. Read the rules and agree to adhere to them.
  2. Confirm your vendor category above.
  3. Fill out appropriate application form here
  4. Applications are reviewed on a daily basis Monday-Friday.