Frequently Asked Questions

Is the market open despite the weather?

Yes, our markets are open year-round, rain or shine! If for any reason the market has to close, it will be posted on our Instagram.

How do I become a vendor?

The process to become a vendor at WTFM markets starts on our website here. On this page you will find vendor category information, market rules, and more. 

I applied to be a vendor, how can I check in on my application?

Please send an email to [email protected] to inquire about your application status. Please note that due to our very small team and the number of inquiries we receive, it can take some time for our team to respond.

Can my band play at the market?

We currently do not plan to have live music.

Are Pets Allowed the market?

At this time we are asking that vendors and visitors leave their pets at home.

How can I see what vendors are attending the market this weekend?

We post a list of attending vendors and our market layouts every Friday on our website at here.

Where can I find info about your current vendors and what they sell?

You can find a list of current vendors here

What produce will be at the market this weekend?

Every Friday we post a list of the seasonal produce our farmers are bringing on our website and social media. Follow us on Instagram and on Facebook.

What is in season at the market right now?

You can find a list of monthly seasonal produce on our website here

Can I pre-order from vendors?

Information coming soon!

Why aren’t there more farmers?

Welcoming new farmers and ranchers to our markets is always a priority. Unfortunately, as urban areas grow, farmland is not only lost, but what remains is becoming increasingly expensive – which in turn, makes it harder for young farmers to join the vocation as older farmers retire. Ensuring that more young people can enter the field is very important and something we encourage shoppers to advocate for, especially when they are dismayed by the fact that local market vendor makeup is not 100% agricultural producers. In addition, farmers and ranchers are also facing increasingly extreme weather circumstances like the recent freezes in winter and extreme heat/draught this summer, which can dramatically affect their crops.

Who sells eggs?

Coming soon

Do you have any organic farmers?

While not certified organic Days Well Spent uses orgaic seeds, soils and practices in all of their growing. . Our team will be inspecting all farmers and ranchers to ensure that they meet our market sustainability guidelines, which you can read about here

Where do I park?

In the parking lot but make sure you do not block gates or other vechicles.

Is the farmers market wheelchair accessible?

Yes, the markets is wheelchair accessible however, keep in mind that the area is not paved.

Where are the bathrooms?

The market does not have public bathrooms.

How can I buy a tote bag or other merch?

This are coming soon and will be availabe at the market and online.